Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Avery Jane Jespersen!

We are so proud to announce the new addition of the Jespersen family! Avery Jane was born Monday December 10 at 12:28pm. She weighed 8lbs 6oz. and 21 inches long. It was a wonderful day as we went in for induction at 6:00 that morning and had a safe and blessed delivery! We were so surprised by her weight and her full head of dark black hair! We also discovered by some of her little expressions that she has dimples. We are home and enjoying our girls so much! Leigh is so sweet to Avery and loves to love on her but the text book behavior of disobedience and acting out are certainly manifesting themselves in big sister, but I'm sure they will pass soon. It was a great day and so fun to have all of our visitors and friends come see us and pray for us! Thankyou everyone for loving on and praying for our family. We are so blessed! May God bless you for blessing us!

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Baby Day!

Well, we are still waiting. I sure thought that we would have a baby by now because I have been dialated to 3cm for a month now but she's just not ready to come. We are going to induce on Monday Dec. 10th in the morning so we know she will be here in 5 days! I can't beleive the time has come! I think that we are getting Leigh's sleeping habits back on track, for now anyways. It sure was hard there for awhile but we are making her stay in her bed and rewarding her if she does and it seems to be working - now after Avery comes that may be a different story, I don't know. I'm all set and ready, I think. I'm trying to keep the house clean and our bags are packed just in case! I look forward to updating everyone on our new addition very soon. We will post the news and pictures right here! Stay tuned!!